Mission HydroSci 2.0
Mission HydroSci (MHS) is a video game project being developed at the University of Missouri to help middle school students learn about the science of water and scientific argumentation.
MHS can serve as a replacement unit for units that cover water systems topics (including water cycle, watersheds, groundwater and atmospheric water). The curriculum is aligned with Missouri Learning Standards for Middle School Science.
Our evaluation report of MHS showed results which meet the What Works Clearinghouse standards without reservations. We are now looking for a larger group of teachers to partner with us for exploring how well a new web-based version of MHS that can be played on Chromebooks supports target learning outcomes. These learning outcomes include student content knowledge about water systems and argumentation practices.
Our partner teachers will receive support and training for using MHS with their students, reports of student progress and learning, and a $1,000 stipend.
US Department of Education, Education, Innovation, and Research (EIR)
Water Science and Argumentation
Middle School